2022 Report: Indicators of Climate Change in California

Indicators of Climate Change in California Fourth Edition

The Indicators of Climate Change in California report documents observed changes in the state’s climate and its impacts in the state. Indicators are scientific measurements that track trends and conditions relating to climate change. Collectively, the indicators portray a statewide picture of how climate change has been impacting the environment and people of California. Through these indicators, the report tells the state’s climate change story, starting with the human influences on climate, or “drivers,” followed by the changes in climate Californians have been experiencing, and then their consequences on the physical environment, on plant and animal species, and on human health.

The fourth edition of the report contains a new section highlighting how California Tribes have witnessed climate change. Eight Tribes provide accounts of their unique experiences.  Information about OEHHA’s ongoing work with Tribes to document the impacts of climate change can be found here: Indicators of Climate Change: Impacts on California Tribes.

Explore the Indicators

Plain-language summaries of individual indicators and Tribal reports are available through the links below. Sections of the technical report are also available for download.


Impacts on Vegetation and Wildlife

On vegetation


On wildlife


Impacts on California Tribes