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Advisory based on mercury.
For information relating to biotoxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs) that may be found in California water bodies, see below.
Jan 20, 2017, Program: Fish
Adoption of No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 180 micrograms per day for malathion
Jan 17, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
The Office of Administrative Law approved non-substantive changes without regulatory effect as meeting the requirements of California Code of Regulations
Jan 12, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
Funcionarios estatales del medio ambiente publicaron hoy una versión actualizada de la innovadora herramienta de evaluación ambiental de California, CalEnviroScreen 3.0.
Jan 10, 2017, Program: CalEnviroScreen
State environmental officials today released an updated version of
California’s groundbreaking environmental health screening tool, CalEnviroScreen 3.0.
Jan 9, 2017, Program: CalEnviroScreen
The committee considered nitrite in combination with amines or amides for listing as known to the state to cause cancer and provided OEHHA with its advice concerning the relative priority of five chemicals (or chemical groups) for possible consideration for listing at a future meeting of the CIC.
Jan 6, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
Canned or Bottled Foods Where BPA Was Intentionally Used in the Manufacture of the Can Lining, Bottle Seals or Jar Lids.
Jan 6, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA is issuing a safe use determination for DINP exposures to professional vinyl flooring installers from vinyl flooring products containing 8.7% DINP by weight, or less.
Dec 30, 2016, Program: Proposition 65
Information regarding how to report a pesticide illness is provided, along with an overview of the Pesticide Illness Surveillance program.
Dec 29, 2016, Program: Pesticides
The basis for listing of chloroform as a reproductive toxicant has been changed from the Labor Code to the State's Qualified Experts.
Dec 23, 2016, Program: Proposition 65