Health Education Resources
Educational Materials for Health Care Providers
Agricultural workers and pesticides
Resources for Community Health Workers and Other Patient Advocates
Resources For Patients
Pesticide-Related Illness and Injury
Enfermedades y Lesiones Relacionadas con los Plaguicidas
- Póster
- Folleto
- Formulario de Historial de Exposición a Pesticidas del Paciente
- ¿Los pesticidas pueden afectar nuestra salud?
- ¿Estuvo expuesto a pesticidas y no sabe qué hacer?
Posters are 23 x 35 inches. Brochures are standard tri-folds. Plastic pockets come with the posters to hold the brochures. Available in English and Spanish.
Contact OEHHA at or (510) 622-3200 to request posters and brochures.