Meetings and Workshops
Upcoming Meetings and Workshops
Previous Meetings and Workshops
Request for comments as to whether pentachlorophenol and by‑products of its synthesis (complex mixture) meets the criteria set forth in the Proposition 65 regulations for authoritative bodies listings
OEHHA is considering amending Title 27, CCR Section 25821(c), Level of Exposure to Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity to clarify that the reasonably anticipated rate of intake or exposure to a listed chemical must be calculated as the arithmetic mean of daily intake or exposure for product users.
Preregulatory workshop to discuss possible amendments to existing regulations in Section 25821(a) concerning the calculation of the concentration of listed chemicals in foods.
Hearing announcement regarding the petition and OEHHA’s pre-regulatory proposal for new Safe Harbor Levels for lead on October 14, 2015.
OEHHA is considering the possible addition of Section 25501.1, that would establish background levels for certain ubiquitous chemicals, such as lead and arsenic that are naturally present in unprocessed foods.
Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 2, 2015.
Extension of comment period for the adoption of maximum allowable dose levels (MADLs) of 100 micrograms per day for oral exposure to atrazine, propazine, simazine, 2,3-diamino-6- chloro-s-triazine (DACT)*, des-ethyl atrazine (DEA), and des-isopropyl atrazine (DIA).
Extension of public comment period concerning the pre-regulatory workshop for potential new regulation: naturally occurring background levels for certain chemicals found in unprocessed foods
Announcement of public comment period for the notice of intent to list parathion, malathion and glyphosate as known to the State to cause cancer via the Labor Code mechanism.
Extension of the public comment period for the notice of intent to list parathion, malathion and glyphosate as known to the State to cause cancer via the Labor Code mechanism.