CalEnviroScreen Logo


CalEnviroScreen 4.0

Access the latest version of CalEnviroScreen.

SB 535 Disadvantaged Communities

Access the 2022 disadvantaged communities using CalEnviroScreen 4.0

About CalEnviroScreen

Information on CalEnviroScreen


See how environmental health is measured

Uses of CalEnviroScreen

Uses of the tool and training videos

Environmental Justice

Learn more about EJ at OEHHA

En Español

Sobre CalEnviroScreen

Maps & Data

Access maps, data, reports, and the interactive data dashboard

Reports, Notices, Documents

Feb 26, 2016: CalEnviroScreen FAQs
Questions and answers about CalEnviroScreen, a screening tool that evaluates the burden of pollution from multiple sources in communities while accounting for potential vulnerability to the adverse effects of pollution.
Feb 21, 2016: Indicators Overview
General infomation about the indicators that make up CalEnviroScreen.
Feb 1, 2016: Drinking Water
The drinking water indicator combines information about 10 contaminants and 2 types of water quality violations that are sometimes found when drinking water samples are tested.
Jan 15, 2016: Earlier Versions
This page has links to previous versions of CalEnviroScreen.
