Press Releases

Announcement of the withdrawal of the 2.5 ppb PHG for chromium, in order to develop a PHG specifically for chromium 6, or hexavalent chromium.  The new PHG will replace the withdrawn "total chromium" PHG, which consists of both chromium 6 and chromium 3, a less toxic form of the metal.
Nov 9, 2001
A scientific panel of experts convened by the University of California has submitted to OEHHA a review of health issues relating to the presence of chromium 6 in drinking water.  The committee's report presented information on a key German study used by OEHHA in 1998 to develop a PHG of 2.5 ppb for total chromium.
Sep 7, 2001
The California Environmental Protection Agency, on behalf of OEHHA, has asked the University of California (UC) to establish a blue-ribbon panel of expert scientists nationwide to review scientific questions concerning the potential of chromium 6 to cause cancer when it is ingested. The UC panel's review will provide recommendations to assist OEHHA in the development of a chromium 6 PHG.
Mar 27, 2001
