Press Releases

A scientific panel of experts convened by the University of California has submitted to OEHHA a review of health issues relating to the presence of chromium 6 in drinking water.  The committee's report presented information on a key German study used by OEHHA in 1998 to develop a PHG of 2.5 ppb for total chromium.

The California Environmental Protection Agency, on behalf of OEHHA, has asked the University of California (UC) to establish a blue-ribbon panel of expert scientists nationwide to review scientific questions concerning the potential of chromium 6 to cause cancer when it is ingested. The UC panel's review will provide recommendations to assist OEHHA in the development of a chromium 6 PHG.

OEHHA held a public workshop in Los Angeles on December 3, 2015 to get input for a study on synthetic turf.  An informational poster and an agenda are available.

Three public workshops and an interactive webinar held to receive public comments on OEHHA's synthetic turf study.  An informational poster and agendas for the workshops are available.

A study by the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment suggests heat exposure may lead to a greater risk of infant mortality.

Announcement of the withdrawal of the 2.5 ppb PHG for chromium, in order to develop a PHG specifically for chromium 6, or hexavalent chromium.  The new PHG will replace the withdrawn "total chromium" PHG, which consists of both chromium 6 and chromium 3, a less toxic form of the metal.