Press Releases

OEHHA has finalized a fish advisory concerning elevated levels of mercury in fish in Tomales Bay in Marin County.  “With the exception of sharks, fish caught in Tomales Bay can be part of a healthy, balanced diet. But the public – and particularly women of childbearing age and children – should monitor and limit their fish consumption to avoid excessive exposure to mercury,” OEHHA Director Dr. Joan Denton said.
Oct 5, 2004
Public health goal establishes a long-term objective for the reduction of arsenic in California's drinking water. Arsenic is one of the most toxic substances commonly found in drinking water, and it occurs naturally in many parts of the world, including California.
Apr 23, 2004
OEHHA has issued two fish advisories concerning elevated levels of mercury in certain fish from five reservoirs and portions of the Bear and South Yuba rivers and Deer Creek in the Northern Sierra Nevada foothills, and from Black Butte, Stony Gorge and East Park reservoirs.  The advisories contain guidelines for consumption of bass, channel catfish, trout and other fish species.
Dec 16, 2003
