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The 2009 Public Health Goal for chlorite is 50 ppb
May 22, 2009, Program: Water
Meeting materials for the fifth meeting of the cumulative impacts and precautionary approaches (CIPA) workgroup.
May 18, 2009, Program: CalEnviroScreen
Proposed Amendment of Section 25204, Safe Use Determinations
May 15, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
May 29, 2009 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee: 38 chemicals discussed.
May 15, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
Adoption of No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) for ethylbenzene.
May 7, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
The DARTIC considered the listing of bisphenol A at its meeting on Wednesday, July 15, 2009.
May 1, 2009, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft RCD for Methyl Iodide. These comments and our recommendations, as well as suggested clarifications, additions and corrections, are contained in this report.
May 1, 2009, Program: Pesticides
The Scientific Review Panel for Toxic Air Contaminants met to review OEHHA's revised Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors.
Apr 29, 2009, Program: Air
The finalized Public Health Goals for lead, oxamyl, and pentachlorophenol were made available.
Apr 24, 2009, Program: Water