Meeting of the Scientific Review Panel for Toxic Air Contaminants on May 12, 2009

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is required to develop guidelines for conducting health risk assessments under the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program (Health and Safety Code Section 44360(b)(2)).

At the May 12 meeting of the Scientific Review Panel for Toxic Air Contaminants (SRP) OEHHA is presenting a further revision to the updated Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors. This describes updated methodology for estimation of cancer potency factors for use in the Air Toxics Hot Spots program, including consideration of the impact of early-in-life exposures. This document is a revision, in response to the comments from SRP members and the public, of the draft provided for public review from June 23 to August 22, 2008, and was discussed at the SRP meetings on October 30 and December 5, 2008. The document is available for download below.

The agenda, timing and location of the meeting are given on the California Air Resources Board’s web site at

Note - Appendices A – J are unchanged from the previous announcement.