Climate Change

Indicators of Climate Change in California

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment researches and presents indicators in periodic reports describing how California’s climate is changing and how these changes are affecting the state. Indicators are scientifically-based measurements that track trends in various aspects of climate change.

Indicators of Climate Change: Impacts on California Tribes

OEHHA recognizes the value of Tribal knowledge in reporting on, and raising awareness of, climate impacts.

Human Health Impacts of Climate Change

OEHHA focuses on human health studies relating increased temperatures to adverse health outcomes such as death and illness including hospital visits, emergency room visits, and birth defects. OEHHA has contributed to the growing body of literature linking deleterious health effects to increasing temperatures and heat waves. These studies have helped identify groups who are vulnerable to heat-related mortality and illness.

Recent Research on Climate Change in California: A bibliography

OEHHA has compiled information relevant to climate change and its impacts in an annotated bibliography with an emphasis on California. This annotated bibliography is intended as a source of current and emerging scientific information on climate change for environmental and public health agencies, the research community, non-government organizations, and the public.

2018 Report: Indicators of Climate Change in California

The third edition of the report, published in 2018, presented 36 indicators grouped into four categories: human-influenced drivers of climate change, such as greenhouse gas emissions; changes in the state’s climate; impacts of climate change on physical systems, such as oceans and snowpack; and impacts of climate change on biological systems – humans, vegetation and wildlife.

Reports, Notices, Documents

OEHHA convened a workshop to improve upon and explore new metrics for tracking climate change and its impacts on California’s water resources, oceans, fish and wildlife, forests, agriculture, and the health and well-being of the state’s residents. 

In 2015, OEHHA hosted is annual Children's Environmental Health Symposium, this time focusing on the impacts of climate change on children's health.

In 2015, OEHHA hosted is annual Children's Environmental Health Symposium, this time focusing on the impacts of climate change on children's health.

Indicators of Environmental Justice Impacts of Climate Change in California

This 2009 report identifies 27 indicators that measure the impact of climate change on the state’s temperatures, precipitation, land, water, people, plants, and animals. It concludes that changes in California are consistent with those occurring globally. The report is a meta-analysis of existing research.