Recent Research on Climate Change

A bibliography with an emphasis on California

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) continually monitors various information sources -- including the scientific literature and publications of research organizations, governmental entities and academia -- to support its periodic report presenting indicators of climate change in California. OEHHA searches for literature with past and current data concerning changes in climate, the causes or drivers of climate change, and its physical and biological impacts. We target publications that relate to California, however we also look at literature on other geographic areas with findings relevant to California.  The bibliography below contains the literature that OEHHA has compiled.  For information about the identification and selection of references, please see the methodology section in our 2018 bibliography.

This bibliography is available below as a searchable database. It primarily covers research from 2009 to 2023 (and includes literature summarized by OEHHA in earlier bibliographies).  Suggestions from readers are welcome.

Search box works best with the Firefox web browser.

How to find references using the online bibliography: Enter the title, author, year, or one or more key words in the search box. Use a space to separate search terms. Partial entries/words can be used. To search for a specific phrase, use quotes "  " around the phrase. To filter references by year, select the year of interest in the drop down box that says “Year”. To filter references by the categories used in the indicator report, click on the colored buttons located next to the search bar. To clear the filter, click on the button labeled “Clear Filter”. To show the abstract of a citation, click on the blue + button located next to the reference. The number of references shown on each page can be changed using the dropdown box located next to the search box.

For any questions or comments on the bibliography, please email


Reference Authors URL Year Abstract Category