2018 Report: Indicators of Climate Change in California


collage image of a sea slug, children playing in a sprinkler, dried blue-green algae, Mt Shasta and Los Angeles

Climate change poses an immediate and growing threat to California’s environment, public health, and economic vitality. Monitoring and research efforts across the state generate observational data that describe changes that are already underway.  These data can serve as the basis for indicators that track trends over time. Climate change indicators help to track, evaluate, and report on the climate change issues the state is working to address. They facilitate the communication of climate-related information to a broad audience by synthesizing large volumes of complex data into a concise, easily understood format.

Explore the indicators by following the links:

  • Overview for a collective summary of the indicators in each category
  • The indicator name for a plain language summary of each indicator

Explore Climate Change Indicators