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CalEnviroScreen 4.0

Access the latest version of CalEnviroScreen.

SB 535 Disadvantaged Communities

Access the 2022 disadvantaged communities using CalEnviroScreen 4.0

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Uses of CalEnviroScreen

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Environmental Justice

Learn more about EJ at OEHHA

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Maps & Data

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Reports, Notices, Documents

Feb 2, 2017: SB 535 Disadvantaged Communities - Webinar
February 7, 2017 webinar to discuss the use of Cap-and-Trade proceeds to fund projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities to implement Senate Bill 535.
Feb 1, 2017: SB 535 Disadvantaged Communities - Fresno Meeting
February 1, 2017 community meeting in Fresno to discuss the use of Cap-and-Trade proceeds to fund projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities to implement Senate Bill 535.
