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CalEnviroScreen 4.0

Access the latest version of CalEnviroScreen.

SB 535 Disadvantaged Communities

Access the 2022 disadvantaged communities using CalEnviroScreen 4.0

About CalEnviroScreen

Information on CalEnviroScreen


See how environmental health is measured

Uses of CalEnviroScreen

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Environmental Justice

Learn more about EJ at OEHHA

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Maps & Data

Access maps, data, reports, and the interactive data dashboard

Reports, Notices, Documents

Dec 1, 2022: Maps & Data
New CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data dashboard released. The dashboard is an interactive online tool used for filtering and visualizing the latest CalEnviroScreen data. Users can filter CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data by geography (county, city, or legislative district) and by any combination of the results from the 21 indicators. A tutorial video and user guide are available.
Mar 9, 2022: Scoring & Model
Information on how CalEnviroscreen uses pollution burden and population characteristics to calculate the CalEnviroscreen score.
Oct 13, 2021: Draft CalEnviroScreen 4.0
Information on the draft CalEnviroScreen 4.0 which was released for public comment from February 19 to May 14, 2021.
