Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a scientific process of evaluating the adverse effects caused by a substance, activity, lifestyle, or natural phenomenon. OEHHA is responsible for developing and providing risk managers in state and local government agencies with toxicological and medical information relevant to decisions involving public health. State agency users of such information include all boards and departments within Cal/EPA, as well as the Department of Public Health, the Department of Food and Agriculture, the Office of Emergency Services, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Department of Justice.

Several laws and regulations govern OEHHA's risk assessment work.

Reports, Notices, Documents

2017 Children's Health Symposium "Environmental Health and Children" - location, agenda, directions and additional information.

Estudio de salud ambiental sobre el césped sintético

Presentations from the 2016 Children’s Environmental Health Symposium exploring "New Findings from California”.

Frequently asked questions on the environmental health study of synthetic turf

Request that NTP conduct toxicological studies to enhance our understanding of the health impacts of chemicals released from synthetic turf, with an emphasis on the crumb rubber in the fields.