OEHHA Laws and Regulations

General Authority:

As an office within the California Environmental Protection Agency, OEHHA was created under the Governor’s Reorganization Plan of 1991 (GRP-1).  Applicable sections of the GRP-1 relating to OEHHA’s general responsibilities and authorities can be found in California Health and Safety Code Sections 59000-59017.

Main Program Areas

Information on laws and regulations related to Proposition 65 can be found on the Proposition 65 Laws and Regulations webpage.  Specific statutory authorities relating to OEHHA’s other primary activities are provided below.





Risk Assessment


Other Programs

Links to the Laws and Regulations pages of other boards, departments and offices under CalEPA:

CalEPA:         https://calepa.ca.gov/cupa/lawsregs/ (link is external)

ARB:              https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/documents/laws-and-regulations (link is external)

CalRecycle:     https://calrecycle.ca.gov/laws/ (link is external)

DPR:               https://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/legbills/laws_regulations.htm (link is external)

DTSC:             https://dtsc.ca.gov/dtsc-laws-regulations/ (link is external)

SWRCB:         https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/laws_regulations/ (link is external)
