Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is a scientific process of evaluating the adverse effects caused by a substance, activity, lifestyle, or natural phenomenon. OEHHA is responsible for developing and providing risk managers in state and local government agencies with toxicological and medical information relevant to decisions involving public health. State agency users of such information include all boards and departments within Cal/EPA, as well as the Department of Public Health, the Department of Food and Agriculture, the Office of Emergency Services, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Department of Justice.

Several laws and regulations govern OEHHA's risk assessment work.

Reports, Notices, Documents

This report provides a status regarding the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's (OEHHA's) implementation of Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 901(g).

OEHHA participated in CalEPA's Children's Health Awareness Day, showing presentations on current research, programs, and outreach focusing on California's children.

Scientists with expertise in risk assessment was convened to conduct external peer review of risk assessment practices in the boards, departments and offices (BDOs) comprising the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA).

A basic explanation of risk assessment for laypeople involved in environmental health issues, including policymakers, businesspeople, members of community groups, news reporters, and others with an interest in the potential health effects of toxic chemicals.

The Emerging Environmental Challenges Program was established in the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) in fiscal year 1996/97, and charged with developing a capability to anticipate future environmental challenges which may confront programs in the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA).