Press Releases

State environmental officials today released an updated version of
California’s groundbreaking environmental health screening tool, CalEnviroScreen 3.0.

The recommendations for each fish species are based on levels of mercury measured in fish from Lake Gregory in San Bernardino County.

This fish advisory provides safe eating advice for three dozen species of fish across hundreds of miles of the California coast from the Oregon border to Mexico.

State fish advisory offers safe eating advice for carp, Channel Catfish, and Tilapia from the Alamo River and the New River in Imperial County.

The interim advice is based on a preliminary review of data that indicates catfish in the lake contain an elevated level of PCBs.

Public input key for update to the first-in-the-nation statewide environmental health screening tool

Network of low-cost sensors will study cross-border air pollution impacts.

Safe eating advice for five species of fish from Elkhorn Slough in Monterey County.

News Release

Released: December 13, 1996

Contact: Dan Pellissier, Communications Director
(916) 324-9670

The recommendations developed by OEHHA for each fish species are based on the levels of mercury measured in fish from the French Meadows and Hell Hole Reservoirs in Placer County.