Interim Health Advisory for Lake Evans in Riverside: Avoid Consuming Catfish
For Immediate Release
Contact:Sam Delson
(916) 324-0955 (O)
(916) 764-0955 (C)
SACRAMENTO – An interim health advisory for the city of Riverside's Lake Evans issued today recommends that individuals avoid consuming catfish from the lake. The interim advice, issued by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), is based on a preliminary review of data that indicates catfish in the lake contain an elevated level of PCBs.
This advisory is being issued as part of ongoing efforts by the state to measure chemicals in California fish. OEHHA plans to develop a full advisory for Lake Evans when testing for other species of fish has been completed. Although other species of fish collected from Lake Evans that were analyzed for PCBs to date did not show elevated levels, not all species have been tested.
PCBs are industrial chemicals that were used in electrical equipment. PCB manufacturing in the United States stopped in the late 1970s; however, they can still be found in the environment from spills, leaks or improper disposal. PCBs can build up in the body. They can affect the nervous system and can cause cancer and other health effects.
For other species of fish found in Lake Evans, until a full advisory is developed, OEHHA recommends that individuals follow the advice offered in its advisory for eating fish from California’s lakes and reservoirs without site-specific advice, which is available at: /advisories/statewide-advisory-eating-fish-californias-lakes-and-reservoirs-without-site-specific.
The interim health advisory – as well as eating guidelines for other fish species found in California bodies of water – are available at: /fish/advisories.
OEHHA is the primary state entity for the assessment of risks posed by chemical contaminants in the environment. Its mission is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by scientific evaluation of risks posed by hazardous substances.
Chemical Reference
Related Notices
Fish, Ecotoxicology and Water Section
Sacramento Office
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 423-7572