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Proposition 65 Notices
Originally a tentative agenda and webcast information. Updated to remove webcast link and hyperlinks, and added a request for materials.
The Carcinogen Identification Committee of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board serves as the state’s qualified experts and renders an opinion about whether a chemical has been clearly shown to cause cancer. The chemicals identified as carcinogens by the CIC are added to the Proposition 65 list.
This amendment establishes an oral MADL of 28,000 micrograms per day and an inhalation MADL of 20,000 micrograms per day for n-hexane.
This rulemaking adds Sections 25607.34 and 25607.35 to Article 6 as safe harbor, tailored warnings for exposures to listed chemicals that may occur at residential rental properties.
OEHHA has modified the language of proposed section 25704 to clarify the scope of listed chemicals covered by the proposed regulation.
OEHHA has selected chemicals for the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee's review for possible listing under Proposition 65 as causing reproductive toxicity (developmental toxicity endpoint).
This request is limited to exposures to crystalline silica (airborne particles of respirable size) from the four specified WOODWISE® wood filler products.
This request is limited to exposures to bisphenol A from the specified eyewear products (prescription glasses, OTC reading glasses, non-prescription sunglasses, and safety glasses).
The listing of bevacizumab is based on a formal requirement by the US Food and Drug Administration that the chemical be identified or labeled as causing reproductive toxicity.
The regulation will be effective on April 1, 2019. This regulation establishes a No Significant Risk Level of 0.70 micrograms per day for bromochloroacetic acid for purposes of Proposition 65.
The regulation will be effective on April 1, 2019. This regulation establishes a No Significant Risk Level of 0.95 micrograms per day for bromodichloroacetic acid for purposes of Proposition 65.
The following is a list of cases related to the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act 1986 (commonly known as Proposition 65). It is provided for informational purposes only and shoul
The committee considered N-Nitrosohexamethyleneimine and gentian violet for listing as known to the state to cause cancer.
The committee considered nickel and nickel compounds for listing as known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity. A summary of the meeting, meeting agenda, and transcript are available.
The committee considered nickel and nickel compounds for listing as known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity. A summary of the meeting, meeting agenda, and transcript are available.
This action amends Section 25603 to allow alternative signal words for on-product Proposition 65 warnings for pesticides regulated under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.
OEHHA has scheduled a public hearing on Thursday, January 3, 2019, at the George Alexeeff Environmental Health Library, Suite 1604, 16th Floor, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612 and the comment period is extended to 5:00 pm, Friday, January 11, 2019.
OEHHA is requesting comments as to whether p‑chloro‑α,α,α-trifluorotoluene meets the criteria set forth in the Proposition 65 regulations for authoritative bodies listings. In order to be considered, OEHHA must receive comments by 5:00 p.m. on December 24, 2018.
At a public meeting on November 1, 2018, the Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC) in its official capacity as the “state’s qualified experts” (SQE) determined that gentian violet and N-nitrosohexamethyleneimine were clearly shown by scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause cancer.