Meetings and Workshops
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Previous Meetings and Workshops
Notice of a public hearing on February 25, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for comment on a request for a Safe Use Determination for Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) in vinyl flooring products.
February 2015 public comment period and public review of hazard identification materials on BPA and female reproductive toxicity.
Hearing for a Safe Use determination for DINP in carpet tile.
Announcement of comment period for notice of proposed rulemaking for a regulation to establish a framework for a website operated by OEHHA that would provide information to the public about potential exposures to listed chemicals.
Notice of extension of public comment period for the proposed regulation to add section 25205 to Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations to establish the framework for a website operated by OEHHA that would provide supplemental information to the public about potential exposures to Proposition 65 listed chemicals.
Comment Period for a Safe Use Determination for diisononyl phthalate (DINP) in Tandus Centiva ER3® modular vinyl carpet tile
March 2015 public hearing and comment period repeal of article 6 and adoption of new article 6 : Clear and Reasonable Warnings. These new regulations would further the “right-to-know” purposes of the statute and provide more specific guidance on the content of safe harbor warnings for a variety of exposure situations, and corresponding methods for providing those warnings.
Public comment period (through March 11, 2015) on the proposal to adopt a Proposition 651 No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 146 micrograms per day for diisononyl phthalate (DINP), by amending Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25705(b)
RFCI requests OEHHA to determine that exposures to DINP in vinyl flooring products do not present significant cancer risks under Proposition 65, and do not require a warning. The basis for the request is that RFCI estimates the potential lifetime average daily exposures from inhalation, ingestion, and dermal absorption to installers and consumers would be below the level posing no significant risk, as defined in section 25703. This SUD request is limited to exposures to DINP only.
Outcome and meeting summary of the public meeting on the consideration of chemicals as known to the state to cause cancer: Dibenzanthracenes and N-nitrosomethyl-n-alkylamines.