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The Scientific Review Panel for Toxic Air Contaminants reviewed OEHHA's draft Reference Exposure Level documents for acetaldehyde, acrolein, arsenic, formaldehyde, manganese, and mercury, as well as the draft Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors.
Nov 25, 2008, Program: Air
The DARTIC met on November 20, 2008 to consider the potential listing of hexavalent chromium and chlorpyrifos.
Nov 20, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
On November 20, 2008, the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee will determine if chlorpyrifos should be added to the Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity.
Nov 3, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
A relevant study of the developmental toxicity of chlorpyrifos had been inadvertently omitted from the HID. In order to allow the DARTIC to review as complete a data set as possible, OEHHA has provided the Committee with a summary of the study equivalent to the summaries provided for other studies in the HID, as well as a copy of the entire study report.
Nov 3, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Evaluation of the available health and safety data related to two pheromone products (Checkmate OLR-F and Checkmate LBAM -F), and a summary of the symptoms reported after application in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties.
Nov 3, 2008, Program: Pesticides
OEHHA is investigating the possibility of amending the existing warning regulations currently located in Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25601 to add specific options for both the method and content for warnings for exposures to listed chemicals in foods.
Nov 3, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
Opportunity to comment on the re-drafted concepts re: exposures to a human and plant nutrient in a food. Workshop held December 12, 2008.
Nov 3, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
On October 31, 2008 the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) published a notice in the California Regulatory Notice Register (Register 2008, No. 44-Z) soliciting public inputs relevant to the second draft of the proposed regulatory concepts that would provide an exemption from the warning requirements of the Act for certain exposures to listed chemicals that are human or plant nutrients.
Nov 3, 2008, Program: Proposition 65
October 30, 2008 second CIPA meeting
Oct 30, 2008, Program: CalEnviroScreen
Meeting materials for the second meeting of the cumulative impacts and precautionary approaches (CIPA) workgroup.
Oct 30, 2008, Program: CalEnviroScreen