CIPA Meeting October 30, 2008

Cumulative Impacts and Precautionary Approaches Meeting October 30, 2008

This is the second meeting of the cumulative impacts and precautionary approaches (CIPA) workgroup to discuss progress to date and discuss ways to better assess and address cumulative impacts and precautionary approaches.

Pre-Meeting Materials:

 Relevant Research Papers:

  •  Dolinoy DC, Miranda ML (2004). GIS modeling of air toxics releases from TRI-reporting and non-TRI-reporting facilities: impacts for environmental justice. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(17):1717-24.
  •  Abel TD (2008). Skewed riskscapes and environmental injustice: a case study of metropolitan St. Louis. Environmental Management, 42(2):232-248.
    *Note: These first two papers show spatial distribution of facilities that release hazardous air pollutants, in case studies based in North Carolina and St. Louis. We include them because the geographic presentation is informative and shows potential for overlap of affected areas between multiple facilities.
  • Morello-Frosch RA, Woodruff TJ, Axelrad DA, Caldwell JC (2000). Air toxics and health risks in California: the public health implications of outdoor concentrations. Risk Analysis 20(2): 273-91.
    Note: This paper provides an analysis of the public health significance of hazardous air pollutants in ambient air in California.
  •  Perlin SA, Wong D, Sexton K (2001). Residential proximity to industrial sources of air pollution: interrelationships among race, poverty, and age. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 51(3):406-21. [Abstract]
  •  Fisher JB, Kelly M, Romm J (2006). Scales of environmental justice: combining GIS and spatial analysis for air toxics in West Oakland, California. Health & Place, 12(4): 701-714. ** [Abstract]

    Note: This paper shows an analysis of the interaction between a major industrial source and traffic emissions in West Oakland.
    Other Materials:
  •  California Air Resources Board. Draft Particulate Matter Health Risk Assessment for West Oakland Community. Preliminary Summary of Results. March 19, 2008.

Note: This draft assessment focuses primarily on the contribution of diesel particulate to health risk, rather than the emissions addressed through the AB 2588 program, but it provides a good explanation of the overlay of various sources and how they can concentrate in particular neighborhoods and does discuss the contribution of certain industrial sources.

 Background Materials for Present Bioaccumulative Pollutants Case

Background Materials on Precautionary Approaches

  •  Cranor CF (2003). What could precautionary science be? Research for early warnings and a better future. In: Precaution, environmental science, and preventive public policy. Tickner JA, ed. Island Press, Washington, DC. **
  •  Fisher E (2002). Precaution, precaution everywhere: developing a ‘common understanding’ of the precautionary principle in the European Community. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 9:7-28. **

 Background Materials on Cumulative Impacts

** This document is or may be protected by United States or foreign copyright laws and is being provided to Work Group members for non-commercial, scientific or educational purposes only. The copyright owner must be contacted for permission to use these materials for other purposes.

Note: This meeting was originally scheduled for September 15, 2008. It was rescheduled for October 30, 2008 and announced on September 17, 2008.