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In January 1, 2017, additional reporting requirements were added to the medical supervision program. Medical supervisors are now required to:
Oct 4, 2017, Program: Pesticides
To apply for a State job, you must first pass an examination and get on an eligibility list.
State Job Classifications and Exams
Find a classification for which you are qualified. Search the State database for any open exams.
Examples of classifications that OEHHA employs:
Oct 3, 2017, Program: Public Information
Videos of the presentations and short bio of the presenters.
Oct 2, 2017, Program: Risk Assessment
Information for businesses and the public about the process that OEHHA uses to develop Safe Use Determinations (SUDs) under Proposition 65.
Sep 29, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
The study found that increasing temperatures affected mental health not only in the summer, but in the winter as well, showing that increases in temperature affect mental health throughout the year in California.
Sep 26, 2017, Program: Air
The office is concurrently providing notice of its intent to list vinylidene chloride as known to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65. In the event OEHHA does not list the chemical, this rulemaking will be withdrawn.
Sep 22, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA intends to list the chemical identified in the table below as known to the state to cause cancer. OEHHA is providing this opportunity to comment as to whether the chemical identified above meets the requirements for listing as causing cancer.
Sep 22, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
Final statement of reasons and final adopted regulatory text.
Sep 7, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) will deliberate on whether or not chlorpyrifos has been “clearly shown by scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause developmental toxicity”
Sep 1, 2017, Program: Proposition 65
Chlorpyrifos and n-hexane will be considered for possible listing by the DARTIC at its next meeting. Chlorpyrifos will be considered for possible listing based on the developmental toxicity endpoint. n-Hexane will be considered for possible listing based on the developmental, male and female reproductive toxicity endpoints.
Sep 1, 2017, Program: Proposition 65