Exams for State Jobs

To apply for a State job, you must first pass an examination and get on an eligibility list.

State Job Classifications and Exams

Find a classification for which you are qualified.  Search the State database for any open exams. 

Examples of classifications that OEHHA employs:

  • Environmental Scientists
  • Research Scientists
  • Toxicologists
  • Office Technicians
  • Accountants
  • Personnel Specialists

State Exams

Look for the examination for the classification(s) for which you may qualify.  Search using key words that represent your area(s) of knowledge or skill.  Some exams are offered continuously, and others are only offered at certain periods of time. 

Fill out a State application (STD 678) for the examination you would like to take.  You only need to fill out one application, and you can use the same form to apply for multiple positions. Or you can create two or three applications, tailoring them to different jobs. You can also upload other attachments, if needed, such as resumes and writing samples.

Although OEHHA hires from a broad range of classifications, it offers exams for a smaller set (see below).  Exams for other classifications are offered by other departments, and once you take these exams you can be hired by OEHHA.  For example, the Research Scientist exams are offered by the California Department of Public Health.

OEHHA Offers Exams for:

Associate Toxicologist - Continuous Testing

Staff Toxicologist (Specialist) - Continuous Testing

Staff Services Analyst (General)
[limited to employees of the OEHHA who meet the requirements to laterally transfer]