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Notice of Adoption of the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program Risk Assessment Guidelines Part IV Oct 2000
OEHHA released the final document, "Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines Part IV: Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis Technical Support Document."
Oct 27, 2000, Program: Air
OEHHA recommends a Notification Level of 260 mg/L for n-propylbenzene in drinking water.
Oct 27, 2000, Program: Water
OEHHA recommends action levels of 260 ppb (ug/L) for sec-butylbenzene and tert-butylbenzene.
Oct 27, 2000, Program: Water
Availability of the Background Document for the Public Workshop on Developing Safe Harbor Numbers
Oct 27, 2000, Program: Proposition 65
Chemicals under consideration for possible listing via the Administrative Bodies mechanisms: Request for relevant information.
Sep 29, 2000, Program: Proposition 65
Public workshop - OEHHA is soliciting input on the process and order by which the safe harbor numbers should be developed.
Sep 22, 2000, Program: Proposition 65
Availability of the revised criteria for identifying chemicals for listing as "Known to the State to Cause Cancer"
Sep 22, 2000, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA announced the date for an Air Quality Advisory Committee public meeting and two workshops. The agenda included discussions on the health-protectiveness of the ambient air quality standards.
Sep 14, 2000, Program: Air
OEHHA announced a public meeting of the Air Quality Advisory Committee (AQAC), as well as public workshops on the health protectiveness of the ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, sulfates, lead, and hydrogen sulfide.
Sep 14, 2000, Program: Air
OEHHA announces the availability of six Public Health Goals for chemicals in drinking water. These chemicals are: carbofuran, carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane, diquat, thiobencarb, and vinyl chloride
Sep 8, 2000, Program: Water