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OEHHA held a public workshop in Los Angeles on December 3, 2015 to get input for a study on synthetic turf. An informational poster and an agenda are available.
Nov 19, 2015, Program: Risk Assessment
OEHHA has conducted human health studies investigating negative health effects associated with synthetic turf products.
Nov 19, 2015, Program: Risk Assessment
Diaminotoluene (mixed) delisted effective November 20, 2015 as known to the state of California to cause cancer.
Nov 18, 2015, Program: Proposition 65
Public Workshop in San Diego for the Study of Chemical Exposures and Potential Health Impacts Associated with the Use of Synthetic Turf.
Nov 12, 2015, Program: Risk Assessment
45-day public comment period on the revised hazard identification document on the reproductive toxicity for methyl-n-butyl ketone and its active metabolite, 2,5-hexanedione
Nov 9, 2015, Program: Proposition 65
The Carcinogen Identification Committee meets Wednesday, November 4, 2015, in the Coastal Hearing Room of the California Environmental Protection Agency headquarters building located at 1001 I Street, Sacramento beginning at 10:00 am and continuing until all business is conducted or 5:00 pm
Nov 4, 2015, Program: Proposition 65
Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC) meeting possible delisting of nitrapyrin and diaminotoluene (mixed).
Nov 4, 2015, Program: Proposition 65
Public Workshop in Berkeley for the Study of Chemical Exposures and Potential Health Impacts Associated with the Use of Synthetic Turf.
Nov 2, 2015, Program: Risk Assessment
Public Workshop for the Study of Chemical Exposures and Potential Health Impacts Associated with the Use of Synthetic Turf.
Nov 1, 2015, Program: Risk Assessment
OEHHA's comments on the risk characteriztion, exposure assessment methodology, and conclusions of this draft.
Nov 1, 2015, Program: Pesticides