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OEHHA released revised draft Reference Exposure Levels for Caprolactam and Nickel for review by the Scientific Review Panel.
Apr 1, 2011, Program: Air
Chemicals listed effective March 22, 2011 as known to the State to cause cancer: MON 4660 (dichloroacetyl-1-oxa-4-azaspiro(4,5)-decane) (CAS No. 71526-07-3), MON 13900 (furilazole) (CAS No. 121776-33-8) and pymetrozine (CAS No. 123312-89-0).
Mar 22, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Proposed NSRL for chlorothalonil of 27 ug/day
Mar 18, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Public comment period for the proposed specific regulatory level posing no significant risk for chlorothalonil of 27 ug/day
Mar 18, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Public hearing on the proposal to establish a specific regulatory level posing no significant risk for 4-methylimidazole by amending Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25705.
Mar 10, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of intent to list chemicals by the Labor Code mechanism: Cyclopenta[cd]pyrene, ethanol in alcoholic beverages, leather dust, salted fish, Chinese-style.
Mar 4, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Notice of intent to list the chemicals androstenedione, dibromoacetonitrile, hexachlorobutadiene, and malonaldehyde, sodium salt, as known to the State to cause cancer via the authoritative bodies listing mechanism.
Mar 4, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
Public comments on the second draft Public Health Goal for hexavalent chromium are available.
Mar 4, 2011, Program: Water
Comment period for notice of intent to list chemicals by the labor code mechanism: Cyclopenta[cd]pyrene, ethanol in alcoholic beverages, leather dust, salted fish, chinese-style.
Mar 4, 2011, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA received the following comments after OEHHA provided notice on December 17, 2010 of the proposed rulemaking - Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 69401 Through 69406 - Green Chemistry Toxics Information Clearinghouse Identification of Hazard Traits, Endpoints and Other Relevant Data for Inclusion in the Toxics Information Clearinghouse.
Feb 28, 2011, Program: Risk Assessment