Comments on Proposed Hazard Traits Regulation
On December 17, 2010, OEHHA provided notice of proposed rulemaking - Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 69401 Through 69406 - Green Chemistry Toxics Information Clearinghouse Identification of Hazard Traits, Endpoints and Other Relevant Data for Inclusion in the Toxics Information Clearinghouse.
OEHHA received the following comments:
1. American Chemistry Council
2. American Cleaning Institute
3. Amway
4. California Nano Industry Network
4a. CNIN 2010 Pre-Regulatory Comment
5. CHANGE – Californians for a Healthy and Green Economy
6. Clean Water Action
7. Dow
8. DuPont
9. Assembly Member Mike Feuer
10. GMA – Grocery Manufacturers Association
11. Green Chemistry Alliance
12. Koch Industries
13. Dr. Amy Kyle
14. MBA Polymers
15a. MBA Testimonial 1
15b. MBA Testimonial 2
16. NAIMA – North American Insulation Manufacturers Association
17. North American Metals Council
18. Natural Products Association
19. NRDC & EWG – Natural Resources Defence Concil and Environmental Working Group
20. Procter & Gamble
21. PCPC – Personal Care Products Council
22. PCRM – Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
23. Rubber Manufacturers Association
24. Dr. Megan Schwarzman
25. Sierra Club
26. SOCMA – Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates