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The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) maintains this website to enhance public access to information and services provided by OEHHA.
Jul 22, 2020, Program: Public Information
The updated Public Health Goal of 0.003 parts per billion (ppb) is based on carcinogenicity and is set at a level of risk of one additional cancer case per one million persons exposed over a 70-year lifetime.
Jul 17, 2020, Program: Water
The oral and inhalation MADLs established by this amendment are both 0.58 micrograms per day, and the dermal MADL is 7.2 micrograms per day for chlorpyrifos.
Jul 8, 2020, Program: Proposition 65
A state fish advisory issued today for Pinto Lake in Santa Cruz County provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Brown Bullhead, Common Carp, Goldfish, and sunfish species.
Jul 1, 2020, Program: Fish
Higher rates of preterm birth, low birth weight and stillbirth are linked to increased heat, ozone and fine particulate matter, according to a meta-analysis released today and co-authored by scientists at the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). The analysis summarizes the evidence from 68 studies and includes 32.8 million U.S. births.
Jun 18, 2020, Program: Climate Change
The draft technical support document presents the scientific information available on the toxicity of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and the calculation of the updated Public Health Goal (PHG). The proposed updated PHG of 0.003 parts per billion (ppb) is based on carcinogenicity and is set at a level of risk of one additional cancer case per one million persons exposed over a 70-year lifetime.
May 29, 2020, Program: Water
A state fish advisory issued today for Bishop Creek in Inyo County provides safe eating advice for Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout.
May 26, 2020, Program: Fish
A state fish advisory issued for Fallen Leaf Lake in El Dorado County provides safe eating advice for Lake Trout.
May 26, 2020, Program: Fish