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A state fish advisory issued today recommends that no fish be consumed from Alamitos Creek, Almaden Lake, Almaden Reservoir, Calero Creek, Calero Reservoir, Guadalupe Creek, Guadalupe Reservoir, Guadalupe River, and associated percolation ponds, all located in Santa Clara County.
Dec 1, 2020, Program: Fish
The order of items on the agenda is provided for general reference only. The order in which items are taken up by the Committee is subject to change at the discretion of the Committee Chair.
Dec 1, 2020, Program: Proposition 65
Fish advisory for Guadalupe Reservoir in Santa Clara County.
Dec 1, 2020, Program: Fish
Fish advisory for Almaden Reservoir in Santa Clara County.
Dec 1, 2020, Program: Fish
Fish advisory for Calero Reservoir in Santa Clara County.
Dec 1, 2020, Program: Fish
Speaker biographies for the workshop, Climate Change Connections, What Science Knows
Nov 23, 2020, Program: Climate Change
Fish advisory for Alondra Park Lake in Los Angeles County.
Nov 12, 2020, Program: Fish