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OEHHA developed Public Health Goals (PHGs) of 45 ppm for nitrate (equivalent to 10 ppm nitrate-nitrogen), 1 ppm for nitrite-nitrogen and 10 ppm for joint nitrate/nitrite (expressed as nitrogen) in drinking water.
Apr 28, 1998, Program: Water
A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 790 ppb is developed for dalapon in drinking water.
Apr 28, 1998, Program: Water
A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 170 ppb is developed for copper in drinking water.
Apr 28, 1998, Program: Water
A Public Health Goal (PHG) of 500 ppb is developed for picloram in drinking water
Apr 28, 1998, Program: Water
Request for information. Chemicals under consideration for possible listing via the Authoritative Bodies mechanism: 15 Chemicals
Apr 10, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
Results of the second round pilot random selection of the chemicals eligible for prioritization for consideration of carcinogenicity evaluation.
Apr 3, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
An Action Level of 3 parts per billion (ppb) is developed for 1,4-dioxane in drinking water.
Mar 24, 1998, Program: Water
Prioritizing chemicals for consideration as carcinogens under Proposition 65 by the "State's Qualified Experts": Second round pilot random selection.
Mar 20, 1998, Program: Proposition 65
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (1997) Report on the Implementation of Governor Wilson’s Executive Order W-137-96 to Improve the Science and Consistency of Risk Assessment in California
Mar 1, 1998, Program: Risk Assessment
Public Health Goals for 27 chemicals have been finalized, and the technical support documents for each chemical is now available.
Feb 11, 1998, Program: Water