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OEHHA is proposing amendments to Sections 25801, 25803, and 25805. These sections, which fall within Article 8 of the Proposition 65 implementing regulations, set out the procedures and criteria for determining an exposure level where there would be no observable effect.
Apr 2, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) (CAS No. 72-55-9) and nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) listed as known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity effective March 30, 2010 via the Authoritative Bodies listing mechanism.
Mar 26, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is the lead agency for implementation of Proposition 65 (The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, Health and Safety Code section 25249.5, et. seq., hereafter referred to as Proposition 65 or the Act). The Act requires that businesses provide “clear and reasonable” warnings for exposures to listed chemicals prior to exposure, and prohibits discharge of listed chemicals to sources of drinking water (Health and Safety Code section 25249.6).
Mar 22, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
This workshop explores indicators of human health hazards for carcinogenicity, developmental toxicity and endocrine disruption. The agenda, speaker slides, and speaker biographies from the March 15-16, 2010 Human Health Hazard Indicators Workshop are attached.
Mar 16, 2010, Program: Risk Assessment
The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65 or the Act), which is codified as Health and Safety Code section 25249.5 et seq., requires the Governor to publish, and update at least annually, a list of chemicals known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. The Act describes the mechanisms for administratively listing chemicals as known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity (Health and Safety Code section 25249.8).
Mar 8, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
The public comment period for the draft Public Health Goal for styrene was extended by 60 days, until May 15, 2010.
Mar 8, 2010, Program: Water
Opening of comment period for the PHG for styrene in drinking water.
Mar 8, 2010, Program: Water
Higher temperatures send more Californians to the hospital for serious ailments, with each 10-degree rise linked to an increase of more than 400 percent in hospital admissions for heat stroke, according to a 2010 state study.
Mar 2, 2010, Program: Public Information
Notice of intent to list acrylamide as a reproductive toxicant under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 via the authoritative bodies listing mechanism.
Feb 26, 2010, Program: Proposition 65
Proposal to add a MADL for Acrylamide of 140 ug/day
Feb 26, 2010, Program: Proposition 65