Human Health Hazard Indicators Workshop, March 15-16, 2010

Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. A key component is product reformulation to replace
hazardous chemicals with less hazardous ones. A major obstacle is the lack of data from standard toxicity tests for determining the safety of a chemical. Absent a full toxicological database, other information—e.g., from short term tests, structure activity relationships, and the emerging high throughput assays—may help in chemical hazard evaluations.

This workshop explores indicators of human health hazards for carcinogenicity, developmental toxicity and endocrine disruption. A second workshop on indicators of environmental hazards and exposure potential will be held May 10-11 at University of California (UC) Berkeley. A recent Green Chemistry law (SB 509, 2009) requires Cal/EPA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to evaluate and specify the hazard traits, toxicological endpoints and other relevant data to be included in California’s Toxics Information Clearinghouse, which will be constructed by the Cal/EPA’s Department of Toxic Substances Control.

Workshop sponsors: OEHHA, UCLA Law and Environmental Health Sustainable Technology Policy Program, UC’s Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry (BCGC), UC Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, UC Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program (TSRTP).

To register for the March workshop, please send your name, email address and affiliation to: To view the webcast of the March workshop, follow the instructions provided on the day of the workshop at

Download the agenda, speaker slides and speaker biographies from the March 15-16, 2010 Human Health Hazard Indicators Workshop below.

