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2020 Recommendations to the California Public Utilities Commission Regarding Health Protective Standards for the Injection of Biomethane into the Common Carrier Pipeline.
Sep 9, 2023, Program: Air
OEHHA has developed a priority list for the development of NSRLs
Sep 1, 2023, Program: Proposition 65
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) intends to list anthracene (CAS RN 120-12-7), 2‑bromopropane (CAS RN 75-26-3 [corrected as of June 27, 2023]), and dimethyl hydrogen phosphite (CAS RN 868-85-9) as known to the state to cause cancer.
Aug 11, 2023, Program: Proposition 65
OEHHA provided a report to the legislature detailing its activities related to the Children's Environmental Health Program.
Aug 10, 2023, Program: Risk Assessment
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is adopting revised cancer inhalation unit risk (IUR) and slope factors for cobalt and water-soluble cobalt compounds for use in the Air Toxics Hot Spots program for use in the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program.
Aug 4, 2023, Program: Air
The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has selected vinyl acetate for the Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC)’s review for possible listing under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.
Aug 4, 2023, Program: Proposition 65
The US EPA and OEHHA are hosting two joint virtual trainings on CalEnviroScreen and EJScreen for community members and non-profit organizations interested in using environmental justice (EJ) data tools in grant applications.
Aug 2, 2023, Program: CalEnviroScreen
The US EPA and OEHHA are hosting two joint virtual trainings on CalEnviroScreen and EJScreen for community members and non-profit organizations interested in using environmental justice (EJ) data tools in grant applications.
Aug 2, 2023, Program: CalEnviroScreen
A state fish advisory issued today for Lake Cuyamaca in San Diego County provides safe-eating advice for black bass species, Common Carp, crappie species, Rainbow Trout and sunfish species.
Jul 27, 2023, Program: Fish