

Form 801 is used to report certain payments received by state and local government agencies that are used for agency purposes and paid by a third party which may include a payment for an official’s travel expenses for the purpose of facilitating the public’s business in lieu of using agency funds; and a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift or income to the benefiting official, but is instead accepted on behalf of the agency.

Public Information
Public Information

OEHHA's Tribal Consultation Policy provides a framework for OEHHA to establish and maintain effective government-to-government relationships and engage in meaningful consultation with California Native American Tribes. The policy demonstrates OEHHA’s commitment to understanding the culture, history and practices of California Native Americans as these relate to their environmental and public health concerns.


OEHHA establish and maintain effective government-to-government relationships and engage in meaningful consultation with California Native American Tribes. 


To apply for a State job, you must first pass an examination and get on an eligibility list.

State Job Classifications and Exams

Find a classification for which you are qualified.  Search the State database for any open exams. 

Examples of classifications that OEHHA employs: