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Adoption of the Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) for oral exposure for the chemicals hydrogen cyanide and cyanide salts.
State sport fish advisory for San Luis Obispo County’s Oso Flaco Lake. Oso Flaco Lake is part of the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, a California State Park. More than 50 fish from the lake were collected and analyzed for the presence of contaminants. The pesticides the fish were tested for—chlordanes, DDTs, and dieldrin—are legacy chemicals that have been prohibited for many years due to their high toxicity and persistence in the environment.
"Indicators of Climate Change in California," a 2013 report presenting 36 indicators tracking trends in atmospheric gases that influence climate, changes in the state's climate, and the impacts of climate change on California's environment and people.
Sport fish advisory for San Bernardino County’s Silverwood Lake recommends eating rainbow trout and avoiding bass, bluegill, catfish, blackfish and tui chub from the reservoir. The recommendations are based on the levels of methylmercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in different fish species in the lake.
OEHHA establishes a MADL for sulfur dioxide of 10,000ug/day
OEHHA adopted a revision of its Reference Exposure Levels for 1,3-butadiene after approval by the Scientific Review Panel.
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the exposure assessment methodology and conclusions on the draft EAD for Carbaryl.
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the exposure assessment methodology and conclusions on the draft EAD for Propargite.
OEHHA has provided a number of comments on the risk characterization methodology and conclusions on the draft RCD for Carbaryl.