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OEHHA is issuing a safe use determination for DINP exposures to professional vinyl flooring installers from vinyl flooring products containing 8.7% DINP by weight, or less.
Information regarding how to report a pesticide illness is provided, along with an overview of the Pesticide Illness Surveillance program.
The basis for listing of chloroform as a reproductive toxicant has been changed from the Labor Code to the State's Qualified Experts.
Meeting synopsis, transcript and slide presentations from the DARTIC meeting
held on October 27, 2016. Chloroform will remain on the list for the developmental endpoint.
The recommendations for each fish species are based on levels of mercury measured in fish from Lake Gregory in San Bernardino County.
Advisory based on mercury.
For information relating to biotoxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs) that may be found in California water bodies, see below.
Divides Article 6 into two new Subarticles. The repealed and new regulations provide, among other things, methods of transmission and content of warnings.
Registration for physicians who are qualified to be Medical Supervisors (AB 2892).
Questions and answers about the biological insecticide GF-120 NF Naturalyte® (Spinosad) in English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hindi, and Punjabi .
Notice of Intent to List vismodegib as known to cause reproductive toxicity (developmental, female, and male endpoints) via the “Formally Required to Be Labeled or Identified” listing mechanism.