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A state fish advisory issued today for Millerton Lake in Fresno and Madera Counties provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Goldfish, and sunfish species.
This rulemaking adds Sections 25607.34 and 25607.35 to Article 6 as safe harbor, tailored warnings for exposures to listed chemicals that may occur at residential rental properties.
This amendment establishes an oral MADL of 28,000 micrograms per day and an inhalation MADL of 20,000 micrograms per day for n-hexane.
This proposed regulation would establish the naturally occurring level of lead in candies containing chili and/or tamarind as required by Health and Safety Code section 110552.
Advisory based on mercury.
For information relating to biotoxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs) that may be found in California water bodies, see below.
A state fish advisory issued today for Whiskeytown Lake in Shasta County provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Brook Trout, Sacramento Pikeminnow, Sacramento Sucker, and sunfish species.
The regulation will be effective on April 1, 2019. This regulation establishes a No Significant Risk Level of 0.70 micrograms per day for bromochloroacetic acid for purposes of Proposition 65.
The regulation will be effective on April 1, 2019. This regulation establishes a No Significant Risk Level of 0.95 micrograms per day for bromodichloroacetic acid for purposes of Proposition 65.
This advisory provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Channel Catfish, Common Carp, Flathead Catfish, Striped Bass, and sunfish species.