Notice of Public Comment on Draft Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines Part I: Technical Support Document for The Determination of Acute RELs for Airborne Toxicants

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) will release for Scientific Review Panel and public review the document entitled, Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines Part II: Technical Support Document for the Determination of Acute Reference Exposure Levels for Airborne Toxicants.

This draft document is part of a series of Risk Assessment Guidelines that are being developed by OEHHA for use in implementing the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program mandated by the Air Toxics Hot Spots Information and Assessment Act of 1987, as amended. The original draft of this document underwent a 90 day public comment period (February 21, 1995 through May 24, 1995). The document was revised according to public comment and will be distributed for public and Scientific Review Panel review on October 30, 1998. Printed copies may be obtained for a fee from Copy World, 2154 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704. The telephone number for Copy World is (510) 849-9701. The distribution of the document will commence a 30-day public review period that will end on November 30, 1998. Comments must be received by 5:00 PM November 30, 1998.

Please direct any inquiries concerning the availability of the document to Dr. James Collins at (510) 622-3146 or Dr. Melanie Marty at (510) 622-3150.  Please direct your written comments regarding the document to Dr. Melanie A. Marty, Acute RELs, 1515 Clay St., 16th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612.

The REL document is available for download in sections as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.   You will need the FREE program Acrobat Reader to view or print these files.