Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane)

CAS Number



Dichloromethane; DCM; Methylenum chloratum; NCI-C50102


Solvent; paint stripper, degreaser; extraction agent for flavorings and to decaffeinate coffee and tea; aerosol propellant and blowing agent for polyurethane foams; manufacture of pharmaceuticals, film coatings, and electronics

More information about Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane)

Acute RELs

Acute REL (μg/m3): 14000
Species: Human
Acute REL Toxicologic Endpoint: Impairment of nervous system, increased blood carboxyhemoglobin
Acute REL Target Organs: Cardiovascular system, nervous system
Severity: Mild
Last Acute REL Revision: 1999
Acute Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D2.

Chronic REL

Chronic Inhalation REL (μg/m3): 400
Chronic Target Organs: Cardiovascular system, nervous system
Human Data: Yes
Last Chronic REL Revision: 2000
Chronic Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D3