Benzyl Chloride

CAS Number



AI3-15518; omega-Chlorotoluene; Chlorophenylmethane; Chloromethylbenzene; (chloromethyl)Benzene; alpha-Chlorotoluene; NCI-C06360; Alpha-tolyl chloride; Tolyl chloride


Chemical intermediate in manufacture of dyes, plasticizers, lubricants, gasoline additives, flavorings, pharmaceuticals, tanning agents, and quaternary ammonium compounds; irritant gas in chemical warfare, photographic developer

More information about Benzyl Chloride

Acute RELs

Acute REL (μg/m3): 240
Species: Mouse, rat
Acute REL Toxicologic Endpoint: Respiratory and eye irritation
Acute REL Target Organs: Respiratory system; eyes
Severity: Mild
Last Acute REL Revision: 1999
Acute Reference Exposure Levels Comments:

OEHHA 2008. Technical Supporting Document for Noncancer RELs, Appendix D2.