Press Releases

Safe eating advice for five species of fish from New Bullards Bar Reservoir in Yuba County.  Advisory based on mercury.

Recommendations based on the levels of selenium measured in fish from Wiest Lake, which is located approximately six miles northeast of Brawley.

This fish advisory provides safe eating advice for seven species of fish from Lake San Antonio in Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties.

Safe eating recommendations based on the levels of mercury measured in fish collected from Jenkinson Lake.

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® and many other weed killers, is being added to California’s Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause cancer.

Carp, black bass and sunfish from Lake Evans in Riverside can be safely eaten at least four times per week. Do not consume the lake’s Channel Catfish.

This fish advisory provides safe eating advice for five species of fish from Lake Havasu in San Bernardino County.

Safe eating recommendations based on the levels of mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) measured in fish collected from Shasta Lake

This fish advisory provides advice for safely eating black bass, carp, channel catfish and sunfish caught in Castaic Lake and Castaic Lagoon in northern Los Angeles County.

The state issued a fish advisory that offers safe eating advice for three species of fish from New Hogan Lake in Calaveras County.