The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for Leopard Shark, Lingcod, Pile Perch, Red Rock Crab, Shiner Perch, Speckled Sanddab, Walleye Surfperch, and White Surfperch species from the Humboldt Bay.
Press Releases
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Brown Trout, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Sacramento Sucker, and sunfish species from the Bear River, which spans Nevada, Placer, Sutter, and Yuba counties.
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Sacramento Pikeminnow, and Sacramento Sucker.
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for Barred Sand Bass, Pacific Chub Mackerel, sharks, Shiner Perch, Spotted Sand Bass, Topsmelt, Yellowfin Croaker, Diamond Turbot, Pile Perch, Rainbow Surfperch, Spotted Turbot, Black Perch, Round Stingray, Shovelnose Guitarfish, and Spiny Lobster.
The proposed regulation would state that drinking coffee does not pose a significant cancer risk, despite the presence of chemicals created during the roasting and brewing process that are listed under Proposition 65 as known carcinogens.
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for black bass, Fathead Minnow, Common Carp, Sacramento Blackfish, and sunfish.
Report covers temperature, wildfires, drought, Sierra Nevada snowmelt, species migration, shifting ranges of many species of California plants and animals.
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Channel Catfish, Inland Silverside, Striped Bass, sunfish species, and Threadfin Shad.
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for sunfish, black bass, carp, and Channel Catfish species.
The advisory issued provides safe eating advice for black bass species, Channel Catfish, Common Carp, Sacramento Sucker, and sunfish species.