Press Releases

The 2011 advisory and guidelines for San Francisco Bay replace an earlier 1994 advisory, and draw on over a decade of more recent data showing San Francisco Bay fish contain mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  They also incorporate nutrition science showing that fish provide dietary protein and essential nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health.
May 23, 2011
Revised draft public health goal (PHG) for hexavalent chromium in drinking water. This document revises an earlier draft issued in August 2009 that proposed a PHG of 0.06 ppb. The PHG will serve as guidance for the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in developing the nation’s first drinking water standard specifically for chromium 6.
Dec 31, 2010
Several studies have shown links between exposure to air pollution or traffic and low birth weight, premature birth and birth defects. Researchers examining health-care data on nearly 5,000 pregnant women in California found that African-Americans were about three times more likely to miscarry if they lived within a half-block of a freeway or busy boulevard than if they resided near lighter traffic.
Dec 8, 2009
