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Proposition 65 Notices
OEHHA has received a request from California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation seeking an extension of the comment period for a SUD for chlorothalonil in certain foods. OEHHA hereby extends the public comment period until 5 p.m., Monday, December 18, 2017 for the materials on chlorothalonil.
The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board will be considering Chlorpyrifos and n-hexane for possible listing at its next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, 2017.
PFOS and PFOA added to Proposition 65 list based on formal identification by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), an authoritative body, that the chemicals cause reproductive toxicity.
This Safe Use Determination (SUD) request is limited to exposures to chlorothalonil from consumption of certain foods. Exposure to other listed substances, if any, which may be present in these foods will not be reviewed by OEHHA in the context of this request.
N,N-Dimethylformamide, 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole, and Tetrabromobisphenol A Listed Effective October 27, 2017 as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer via the Labor Code (LC) mechanism.
OEHHA has received a request from Dow Agrosciences LLC seeking an extension of the comment period for the Hazard Identification Materials for chlorpyrifos. OEHHA hereby extends the public comment period until 5 p.m., Tuesday, October 24, 2017 for the materials on chlorpyrifos.
OEHHA intends to list the chemical identified in the table below as known to the state to cause cancer. OEHHA is providing this opportunity to comment as to whether the chemical identified above meets the requirements for listing as causing cancer.
The office is concurrently providing notice of its intent to list vinylidene chloride as known to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65. In the event OEHHA does not list the chemical, this rulemaking will be withdrawn.
Final statement of reasons and final adopted regulatory text.
Chlorpyrifos and n-hexane will be considered for possible listing by the DARTIC at its next meeting. Chlorpyrifos will be considered for possible listing based on the developmental toxicity endpoint. n-Hexane will be considered for possible listing based on the developmental, male and female reproductive toxicity endpoints.
The Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) will deliberate on whether or not chlorpyrifos has been “clearly shown by scientifically valid testing according to generally accepted principles to cause developmental toxicity”
Coumarin will be considered for possible listing by the CIC at a public meeting to be held in the Sierra Hearing Room at the CalEPA Headquarters building.
Coumarin will be considered for possible listing by the CIC at a public meeting. The meeting will be held in the Sierra Hearing Room at the CalEPA Headquarters building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. This notice marks the beginning of a 45-day public comment period on this document.
Coumarin will be considered for possible listing by the CIC at a public meeting. The meeting will be held in the Sierra Hearing Room at the CalEPA Headquarters building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. This notice also marks the beginning of a 45-day public comment period on this document.
Understanding what Proposition 65 is and how it works.
This is the comment period for OEHHA's proposed rulemaking to amend Article 6 of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations by adopting Sections 25607.32 and 25607.33.
OEHHA proposes to amend certain sections of Article 6 of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations.
OEHHA proposes to amend Article 6 of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations by adopting Sections 25607.32 and 25607.33.
This is the public comment period for OEHHA's proposal to adopt a new Section 25501.1 in Article 5 in Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations. The new section would provide guidance for businesses and the public by establishing default natural background levels for arsenic in rice.
This is the public comment period for OEHHA's proposal to amend certain sections of Article 6 of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations.