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Proposition 65 Notices

Jul 23, 2009: Opportunity for Public Comment Proposition 65 Regulatory Update Project Electronic Notice Regulatory Concept

Request for comments.  So-called “60-Day Notices” are currently served via U.S. Mail on all public prosecutors in the state.  This notification process can be expensive and time-consuming.  At the request of affected stakeholders, OEHHA has developed a draft regulatory amendment to Title 27, Cal. Code of Regulations, section 25903(c)(1), that would allow these notices to be sent to prosecutors via electronic mail, if the prosecutor has consented to such service.

Jul 15, 2009: 2009 Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee meeting

Request for  relevant information on the developmental and reproductive toxicity of bisphenol-A, chlorpyrifos, chromium, DDE, and sulfur dioxide.

Jul 10, 2009: Comments Received on Chemicals Proposed for Listing by the Labor Code Mechanism (Carcinogens)

Comments received from the June 12, 2009 request for comments as to whether certain chemicals met the requirements for listing under the Labor Code mechanism.

Jun 19, 2009: Marijuana Smoke Listed Effective June 19, 2009 As Known To The State Of California To Cause Cancer

Marijuana smoke listed effective June 19, 2009 as known to the state of California to cause cancer.

Jun 12, 2009: Comment Period - Chemicals Proposed for Listing by the Labor Code Mechanism

OEHHA is requesting comments as to whether Amsacrine, Bleomycins, Chlorophenoxy herbicides, Diesel fuel (marine), Progestins, Styrene, Toxins derived from Fusarium moniliforme (F.

Jun 12, 2009: Chemicals Proposed for Listing by the Labor Code Mechanism (Reproductive and Developmental Toxicants)

Request for comments as to whether Tert-Amyl methyl ether, n-butyl glycidyl ether, carbaryl, chloroform, 2-chloropropionic acid, dichloroacetic acid, diglycidyl ether, N,N-dimethylacetamide, ethylene oxide, ethyl-tert-butyl ether, 2-ethylhexanoic acid, methyl chloride, methyl n-butyl ketone, p,p’-oxybis(benzenesulfonyl hydrazide), phenyl glycidyl ether, phenylphosphine, toluene, 1,3,5-triglycidyl-s-triazinetrione, and 4-vinyl-cyclohexene meet the requirements for listing under the Labor Code mechanism.

Jun 12, 2009: Comment Period - Chemicals Proposed for Listing by the Labor Code Mechanism

Request for comments as to whether Tert-Amyl methyl ether, n-Butyl glycidyl ether, Carbaryl, Chloroform, 2-Chloropropionic acid, Dichloroacetic acid, Diglycidyl ether, N,N-dimethylacetamide, Ethylene oxide, Ethyl-tert-butyl ether, 2-Ethylhexanoic acid, Methyl chloride, Methyl n-butyl ketone, p,p’-Oxybis(benzenesulfonyl hydrazide), Phenyl glycidyl ether, Phenylphosphine, Toluene, 1,3,5-Triglycidyl-s-triazinetrione, and 4-Vinyl-cyclohexene meet the requirements for listing under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 via the Labor Code.

Jun 12, 2009: Chemicals Proposed for Listing by the Labor Code Mechanism (Carcinogens)

OEHHA is requesting comments as to whether amsacrine, bleomycins, chlorophenoxy herbicides, diesel fuel (marine), progestins, styrene, toxins derived from Fusarium moniliforme (F. verticillioides), vinyl acetate, wood dust, zalcitabine, and zidovudine (AZT) meet the requirements for listing under the Labor Code mechanism.

Jun 9, 2009: Two Items from the April 23, 2009 Meeting of the Food Warning Workgroup
  • Draft Food Warning Regulations - Redline Version
  • Letter from Morrison-Foerster to OEHHA
May 29, 2009: May 29, 2009 Carcinogen Identification Committee Meeting

Announcement of public meeting of the Carcinogen Identification Committee of OEHHA’s Science Advisory Board.Chemical prioritization discussion (38 chemicals).

May 15, 2009: May 29, 2009 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee

May 29, 2009 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board's Carcinogen Identification Committee: 38 chemicals discussed.

May 15, 2009: Proposed Amendment of Section 25204, Safe Use Determinations

Proposed Amendment of Section 25204, Safe Use Determinations

May 1, 2009: Hazard Identification Materials for Bisphenol A (developmental and reproductive toxicity)

The DARTIC considered the listing of bisphenol A at its meeting on Wednesday, July 15, 2009.

Apr 13, 2009: Extension of Comment Period - Notice of intent to list 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI)

Extension of the comment period to allow for the submission of complete and relevant scientific information for 4‑methylimidazole.

Apr 10, 2009: April 4, 2009 Letter from Joan Denton to the Members of the Carcinogen Identification Committee

Prioritization of 38 chemicals and information concerning plans for the CIC meeting on May 29, 2009 are discussed in this April 4, 2009 letter from Joan Denton to the Members of the Carcinogen Identification Committee.

Apr 7, 2009: Notice of Withdrawal of Proposed Rulemakings, Amendments to Sections 12601, 12705(b) and (c), and 12705(e) for Acrylamide

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is withdrawing  three regulatory proposals on acrylamide which were submitted on April 8, 2005 to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL).

Mar 20, 2009: Availability of Hazard Identification Materials for Marijuana Smoke

Availability of hazard identification materials for marijuana smoke, a chemical to be considered by the CIC for possible addition to the Proposition 65 list as causing cancer.

Mar 13, 2009: Comment Period - Notice of intent to list 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI)

Comment period on the notice of intent to list the chemical, 4-Methylimidazole (CAS No. 822-36-6) as known to the State to cause cancer.

Mar 13, 2009: Notice of intent to list 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI)

OEHHA intent to list 4-Methylimidazole (4-MEI) as known to the state to cause cancer.
