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Proposition 65 Notices

: Chemicals Under Consideration for Possible Listing Via the Authoritative Bodies Mechanisms: Request For Relevant Information on 2-Bromopropane

Chemicals under consideration for possible listing via the Authoritative Bodies mechanisms: 2-Bromopropane.

: Availability of the Final Hazard Identification Documents for 1,2-Epoxybutane and Verapamil

Availability of the final hazard identification documents on the carcinogenicity of 1,2-epoxybutane and verapamil.

: Notice of Intent to List 2,4-Hexadienal (89% trans, trans isomer; 11% cis, trans isomer)

Notice of Intent to List a Chemical: 2,4-Hexadienal (89% trans, trans isomer; 11% cis, trans isomer)

: Availability of Final Prioritization Document to be Used by OEHHA to Identify Candidate Chemicals to be Considered by the CIC and DARTIC for Possible Listing

Availability of final prioritization document to be used by OEHHA to identify candidate chemicals to be considered by the CIC and DARTIC for possible listing.

: Request for Comments on Proposed Listing of 1-Hydroxyanthraquinone as Known to Cause Cancer

Request for comments on the proposed listing of 1-Hydroxyanthraquinone as known to the state to cause cancer.

: Chemical Listed Effective December 3, 2004 as known to the State of California to Cause Cancer - riddelliine

Chemical listed effective December 3, 2004 as known to the state of California to cause cancer: riddelliine.

: Chemical Listed Effective December 7, 2004 as Known to the State of California to Cause Reproductive Toxicity: 1-Bromopropane (1-BP)

Chemical listed effective December 7, 2004 as known to the state of California to cause reproductive toxicity: 1-Bromopropane (1-BP).

: November 4, 2004 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board’s Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee

November 4, 2004 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board’s Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant (DART) Identification Committee

: November 1, 2004 Meeting of the Science Advisory Board’s Carcinogen Identification Committee

Tentative agenda for the November 1, 2004 meeting of the Science Advisory Board’s Carcinogen Identification Committee.

: Notice to Interested Parties Request For Comments on Proposed Listing of Riddelliine as Known to Cause Cancer

 Request for comments on proposed listing of Riddelliine as known to cause cancer.

: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Amendment to Title 22, Section 12805, Specific Regulatory Levels for di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)

Notice to to establish a specific regulatory level having no observable effect for di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP). 

: Public Hearing on the Proposed Rulemaking, Amendment to Title 22, Section 12805, Specific Regulatory Levels for di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)

Proposal to establish a specific regulatory level having no observable effect for di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and amend Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 12805.

: Notice of Intent to List Chemical: 1-Bromopropane (1-BP) as Known to the State to Cause Reproductive Toxicity

Notice of Intent to List Chemical: 1-Bromopropane (1-BP) as known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity via the authoritative bodies mechanism

: Notice of Intent to Repeal Title 22, California Code of Regulations Section 12901

Notice of Intent to Repeal Title 22, California Code of Regulations Section 12901

: Availability of the Revised Draft Prioritization Process Document for Additional Public Review and Comment

Availability of the revised draft prioritization process document for additional public review and comment.

: Availability of the Draft Hazard Identification Documents for Chloroform and Progesterone

Availability of the draft Hazard Identification Documents for chloroform and progesterone, chemicals to be considered by the DART Identification Committee for possible addition to the Proposition 65 list

: Availability of Draft Hazard Identification Documents for 1,2-Epoxybutane and Verapamil

Availability of draft Hazard Identification Documents for 1,2-epoxybutane and verapamil, chemicals to be considered by the CIC for possible addition to the Proposition 65 list

: Notice of Intent to List Chemical: Vanadium Pentoxide as Known to the State to Cause Cancer

Notice of Intent to List Chemical - Vanadium Pentoxide meets the criteria for listing under Title 22, Cal. Code of Regs., section 1230, for listing as causing cancer under the authoritative bodies mechanism

: Chemicals Listed Effective July 9, 2004 as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer: “aristolochic acids” and “herbal remedies containing plant species of the genus Aristolochia”

Chemicals listed effective July 9, 2004 as known to the state of California to cause cancer: “aristolochic acids” and “herbal remedies containing plant species of the genus Aristolochia".

: Extension of Public Comment Period on Five Chemicals Under Consideration for Possible Listing Via the Authoritative Bodies Mechanisms

Extension of public comment period on five chemicals under consideration for possible listing as known to cause reproductive toxicity via the authoritative bodies mechanisms.