No Significant Risk Level for Antimony Trioxide

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has adopted a No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 0.13 micrograms per day for exposures to antimony trioxide by the inhalation route (adopted in Title 27, Cal. Code of Regs., Section 25705(b)). NSRLs provide guidance for determining when a warning is required for exposures to chemicals listed as causing cancer. For more information on NSRLs, visit the OEHHA NSRLs page.

Final Approval/OAL Action

The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the rulemaking and filed it with the Secretary of State on October 3, 2023. The effective date for the regulation is January 1, 2024.

Notice of Adoption

Final Regulatory Text

Final Statement of Reasons

Modifications to Proposed Text and 15-day Public Comment Period

On July 12, 2023, OEHHA issued a proposed modification and opened a 15-day comment period. The public comment period was open from July 12, 2023 to July 27, 2023.

Notice of Modifications to Proposed Text and Proposed Regulatory Text

Attachment 1: Modified Regulatory Text – No Significant Risk Level: Antimony Trioxide

Public Comments

Proposed Rulemaking

On August 26, 2022, OEHHA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, proposing to adopt an NSRL for antimony trioxide by amending Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25705(b)(1). The public comment period for this proposed rulemaking was open August 26 to October 11, 2022.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Initial Statement of Reasons

Proposed Regulatory Text